Hypokalemia- Hipopotasemia - نقص بوتاسيوم الدم - 低血鉀症 - Hypokaliämie - 低カリウム血症 - гипокалиемия - hipokaliemia - υποκαλιαιμία - hạ kali máu - хипокалемија - ipokaliemia - хипокалиемия - هیپوکالمی - היפּאָקאַלעמיאַ ***** The purpose of this blog is to collate all the key information regarding Hypokalemic Periodic Paralys, its symptoms, side effects and treatment. Information in English and Spanish. *****
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Visión General de los Trastornos de la concentración de potasio
K es el catión intracelular más abundante , pero sólo alrededor del 2 % del total K cuerpo es extracelular. Dado que la mayoría K intracelular está contenida dentro de las células musculares, K total del cuerpo es aproximadamente proporcional a la masa corporal magra . Un promedio de 70 kg adulto tiene cerca de 3.500 mEq de K.
Overview of Disorders of Potassium Concentration
K is the most abundant intracellular cation, but only about 2% of total body K is extracellular. Because most intracellular K is contained within muscle cells, total body K is roughly proportional to lean body mass. An average 70-kg adult has about 3500 mEq of K.
K is a major determinant of intracellular osmolality. The ratio between K concentration in the ICF and ECF strongly influences cell membrane polarization, which in turn influences important cell processes, such as the conduction of nerve impulses and muscle (including myocardial) cell contraction. Thus, relatively small alterations in serum K concentration can have significant clinical manifestations.
In the absence of factors that shift K in or out of cells (see K shifts), the serum K concentration correlates closely with total body K content. Once intracellular and extracellular concentrations are stable, a decrease in serum K concentration of about 1 mEq/L indicates a total K deficit of about 200 to 400 mEq. Patients with K < 3 mEq/L typically have a significant K deficit.
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K shifts:
Factors that shift K in or out of cells include the following:
- Insulin concentrations
- β-Adrenergic activity
- Acid-base status
Insulin moves K into cells; high concentrations of insulin thus lower serum K concentration. Low concentrations of insulin, as in diabetic ketoacidosis, cause K to move out of cells, thus raising serum K, sometimes even in the presence of total body K deficiency.
β-Adrenergic agonists, especially selective β2-agonists, move K into cells, whereas β-blockade and α-agonists promote movement of K out of cells.
Acute metabolic acidosis causes K to move out of cells, whereas acute metabolic alkalosis causes K to move into cells. However, changes in serum HCO3 concentration may be more important than changes in pH; acidosis caused by accumulation of mineral acids (nonanion gap, hyperchloremic acidosis) is more likely to elevate serum K. In contrast, metabolic acidosis due to accumulation of organic acids (increased anion gap acidosis) does not cause hyperkalemia. Thus, the hyperkalemia common in diabetic ketoacidosis results more from insulin deficiency than from acidosis. Acute respiratory acidosis and alkalosis affect serum K concentration less than metabolic acidosis and alkalosis. Nonetheless, serum K concentration should always be interpreted in the context of the serum pH (and HCO3 concentration).
K metabolism:
Dietary K intake normally varies between 40 and 150 mEq/day. In the steady state, fecal losses are usually close to 10% of intake. The remaining 90% is excreted in the urine so alternations in renal K secretion greatly affect K balance.
When K intake is > 150 mEq/day, about 50% of the excess K appears in the urine over the next several hours. Most of the remainder is transferred into the intracellular compartment, thus minimizing the rise in serum K. When elevated K intake continues, aldosterone secretion is stimulated and thus renal K excretion rises. In addition, K absorption from stool appears to be under some regulation and may fall by 50% in chronic K excess.
When K intake falls, intracellular K again serves to buffer wide swings in serum K concentration. Renal K conservation develops relatively slowly in response to decreases in dietary K and is far less efficient than the kidneys' ability to conserve Na. Thus, K depletion is a frequent clinical problem. Urinary K excretion of 10 mEq/day represents near-maximal renal K conservation and implies significant K depletion.
Acute acidosis impairs K excretion, whereas chronic acidosis and acute alkalosis can promote K excretion. Increased delivery of Na to the distal nephrons, as occurs with high Na intake or loop diuretic therapy, promotes K excretion.
False K concentrations:
Pseudohypokalemia, or falsely low serum K, occasionally is found when blood specimens from patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia and a WBC count > 105/μL remain at room temperature before being processed because of uptake of serum K by abnormal leukocytes in the sample. It is prevented by prompt separation of plasma or serum in blood samples.
Pseudohyperkalemia, or falsely elevated serum K, is more common, typically occurring due to hemolysis and release of intracellular K. To prevent false results, phlebotomy personnel should not rapidly aspirate blood through a narrow-gauge needle or excessively agitate blood samples. Pseudohyperkalemia can also result from platelet count > 400,000/μL due to release of K from platelets during clotting. In cases of pseudohyperkalemia, the plasma K (unclotted blood), as opposed to serum K, is normal.
Symptoms of Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis (Plus)
Weakness can affect skeletal, cardiac, smooth, gastrointestinal, respiratory, facial and/or eye muscles (including the muscles of the iris that control entry of light)
These are generalized or reported symptoms.
Families can exhibit a wide range of features and symptoms
continue here:http://periodicparalysis.blogspot.co.uk/p/symptoms-of-hypokalemic-periodic.html
These are generalized or reported symptoms.
Families can exhibit a wide range of features and symptoms
continue here:http://periodicparalysis.blogspot.co.uk/p/symptoms-of-hypokalemic-periodic.html
Thyrotoxic Periodic Paralysis – Clinical Diagnosis and Management
1. Introduction
Periodic paralysis comprises a group of neuromuscular diseases in which the patients present with paroxysmal muscle weakness of the limbs. [1] The most common causes are thyrotoxic hypokalemic periodic paralysis (TPP) and familial hypokalemic periodic paralysis (FPP). [1]
Thyrotoxic periodic paralysis (TPP) is a medical emergency characterized by an acute and reversible attack of muscle weakness associated with the hypokalemia. [1, 2] TPP is the most common form of acquired flaccid paralysis in adults with hyperthyroidism and can occur in patients of any ethnicity, [3,4] although it is more frequent in Asian populations. [5] TPP is the newest form of endocrine channelopathy included in the large group of periodic paralysis and should be included in the differential diagnosis of acute muscle weakness in patients seeking emergency care.
Paramyotonia Congenita: Another Form Of Periodic Paralysis
Paramyotonia Congenita: Another Form Of Periodic Paralysis
Paramyotonia Congenita is a form of Periodic Paralysis (PP). I have overlooked this form in my writings and in my book. I now want to describe and explain it, as it is an important form and can accompany all other forms of Periodic Paralysis; Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis, Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis and Normokalemic Periodic Paralysis, but usually is seen with Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis. It may also occur or manifest as Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis and is believed to actually be a form of Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis.
Paramyotonia Congenita (PMC), also known as Eulenburg Disease, is a rare, hereditary mineral metabolic disorder, which is also called a channelopathy and it affects the muscles used in movement. Caused by certain triggers, the sodium channels close much too slowly and the sodium, potassium, chloride and water continue to flow into the muscles. The skeletal muscles can become stiff, tight, tense or contracted and weak. PMC is caused by mutations in the SCN4A gene, a voltage-gated sodium channel. There is a 100% penetrance. This means if one has one of the mutations for it, they have a 100% chance of having it. In the same family, some members may have mild forms and others may have more extreme cases. It is actually considered to be a form of Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis, however, the symptoms can appear from shifting of potassium into low or high ranges or even if potassium shifts within normal levels. Symptoms can begin shortly after birth or during childhood or at anytime in early adulthood.
continue here: http://livingwithperiodicparalysis.blogspot.co.uk/
Prevalence and Incidence of Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
Prevalance of Hypokalemic periodic paralysis:
1 per 100,000 people suffer from hypokalemic periodic paralysis, Genetics Home Reference website ... see also overview of Hypokalemic periodic paralysis.
Prevalance Rate:
approx 1 in 100,000 or 0.00% or 2,720 people in USA [Source statistic for calcuation: "1 per 100,000 people suffer from hypokalemic periodic paralysis, Genetics Home Reference website" --see also general information about data sources]
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