
Tuesday, 6 January 2015

A participant from Dakar suffered hypokalemia and ended up in the hospital

The pilot entered the hospital Rawson de San Juan with numerous bumps and a general malaise caused by extreme heat. It is believed that competed in the category of motorcycles.

One participant of the Dakar 2015 San Juan runs Monday, finished internship at the Rawson Hospital.

Although not yet confirmed their nationality, it emerged that the athlete would participate in the motorcycle and was airlifted to the Great San Juan and then was taken by ambulance to hospital.

According to initial reports, the man has some not very serious blows, but most complicated their situation would be a picture of hypokalemia.

This disease is defined as a disorder in fluid and electrolyte balance in the body, which is characterized by a decrease in the levels of potassium ion (K) in the plasma. This condition causes confusion, malaise, fatigue and muscle pain, among other symptoms.


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